A storyboard for a video

Dear Moody's,

I see that it is left to me, an Activated Citizen to dispel a myth in your mind.

You say that South Africa must change its Policy but as I will demonstrate, South Africa already has Robust Policy and I’ll presently present where the real problem is.

“However, in the absence of effective policy change, the sovereign’s credit profile will most likely continue to erode, with fiscal strength weakening and growth remaining low.”

Moody’s Sees South Africa’s Growth Outlook Remaining Weak

Moody's Debt Projection as at May 16th, 2019

South Africa's Growth Outlook Remains Weak, Moody’s Says

And there is a potential downgrade to Junk status for the whole of South Africa, coming up in November 2019.

"Standard & Poor’s global has just announced South Africa’s sovereign credit rating has been downgraded to double B plus, according to EWN." 3/4/2017

Junk Status, means less than Investment Grade. Once all three ratings agencies, change South Africa to "Junk Status", all international pension funds, all sorts of other investment funds, all overseas "blue chip funds", will need to divest (disinvest).

Furthermore if South Africa hits Junk, foreign denominated debt will become much more expensive. This means that Eskom, SAA, Transnet and other repayments will become much more expensive in Dollars and therefore Rands terms, because of higher interest rates.

At the same time as this, our Rand Dollar (and all other exchange rates) will drop. This means that foreign interest payments by the Sovereign, on behalf of its SOE's (State Owned Enterprises) will go up in Rands, although in Dollars the Capital value will be the same, but as I've already said Interest Rates will also increase, meaning a double whammy for Dollar Denominated Debt.

And then everything else that we import will become more expensive. Oil and therefore petrol and diesel. Imported goods like Computer equipment, inverters from China, cars, etc.

And as we know when the price of petrol increases, the price of transport increases and the ability of people to get to work decreases, so employers who can't find staff, automate even more, and the vicious cycle of unemployment gets worse and worse and worse.

And we knew all this in 2000 and in 2010 and in 2019. I will prove this. I am not making any of this stuff up.

I will also show that South Africa has incredible policy. But bad or non-existent implementation.

My presentation has four parts.

Firstly I will present the Law and Policy.

I said to a lawyer on Monday 13th May 2019, that I wanted to present the Law and Facts to him, and he said "let's not confuse the law and the facts", and I said, "I agree, let's just consider the law."

The Law is created by Parliament in Cape Town. Parliament consists of all the Members of Parliament of all political parties; and most of these people are NOT lawyers, and some don't even have matric. In fact, Jacob Zuma only had a junior school education.

IMHO, The fundamental principle of law is that it is for protection and safety.

According to the South African Constitution, A law should protect everyone equally. And everyone should have equal access to the law. Unfortunately government can afford to use its taxpayers money against the taxpayer, and the unfortunate taxpayer often needs legal aid (pro bono (free) legal advice) or low paid lawyers, attorneys and advocates, whilst the government and big business pay these lawyers, attorneys and advocates around R50,000 per day.

Therefore the way the law is "practiced" makes people unequal.

The Constitution says that "everyone is equal before the law." To me, (and I'm not a lawyer in the "chartered" (university degree) sense), this phrase contains a hidden message. And this message is that everyone was equal BEFORE the law came into being. And it is the Law that makes us unique.

If a law protects or creates a monopoly, then it is unfair in terms of our Constitution, in terms of the Bill of Rights, and in terms of the Competition Law. Government tried to get away with this by calling some monopolies "natural monopolies" so that Eskom for example cannot have competition, as it is unnatural. Calling something unnatural is the start of racism and fascism. Consider how the Nazi's called Jews, Gays, Blacks, Disabled People. Gypsies, and anyone they didn't like "Unnatural", and this allowed them to commit all sorts of atrocities on these people!!

And in some of our law, it says that the Directors of a State Owned Enterprise can ignore the Companies Act if a situation warrants it. So if an SOE can do this, why can't I also do it? As you can see we are unequal.

I also include Policy in this section. A Policy is written up in a White Paper. And White Papers or Policy Documents show the Strategy and Strategic Intention of the South African Government. As we will see South Africa's strategy is actually incredibly good. I don't know if it was written by Experts, or Consultants, or Strategy Consultants,or management Consultants, or by people who wanted to do Greenwashing (saying and printing one thing, whilst doing something else entirely).

Essentially a Country has a Vision and then a Mission. A Vision is a dream of the future. This dream, for South Africa, is the National Planning Commission's (NPC's) Report of 2010, which Visioned (Dreamed) South Africa as it would look in 2030. One of the things it said was that another 11 million people would need to be employed between 2010 and 2030. As it is more than four million people have lost their jobs between 2010 and 2019, and so the deficit between 2019 and 2030 is not at least 15 million jobs.

This can be seen in a recent report which shows unemployment at 27%, which is 6.2 million people, and therefore "full employment" happens at 23 million people. 23 - 6 = 17, which is approximately the 15 million people that the NPC reports says should be employed by 2030.

Once we have the Vision and Mission, Policy (Strategy in the form of White Papers) is created, and then this Policy is supported by Objectives and Critical Success Factors and Implementation Plans. As you will see, these implementation plans are lacking, and the government's employment practice has led to qualified people being replaced by political appointees who are more interested in themselves then in their OATH, which they have sworn to God, of protecting their Country and their People. Taking an Oath puts one on a Path. And if you go astray you become Loathed.

Secondly I will present Translation of the law.

Translation is interpretation by experts. It could be articles about the law or policy, or informing the law or policy. Or it could be articles by experts about things that make our economy work or not work.

It includes explanations of terms in the law and in policy.

Thirdly I will deal with Interpretation and Commentary. This is mostly by Active Citizens, and so called "Non-Experts", and by Active Citizen Experts. As I didn't study Electrical Engineering, I put myself into this category, although I am a Scientist, and could therefore be called an expert. My science training allows me to do Scientific Analysis and Scientific Synthesis, and as you will see, I have applied my mind, and done this Science, with Electricity. And Water. And Food. The so called Electricity-Food-Water Nexus.

And Fourthly and lastly, I will deal with Hidden Messages. Things that are there for all of us to see, but because of our Conditioning, and our Socialisation (The way we are educated) and what one could call Brainwashing, we make certain assumptions about things, and therefore we don't ask questions and we are apathetic and accept the status quo. But as we know, ignorance, and ignorance of the law is not acceptable in a court of law, and we should therefore do everything we can to understand the law, the policy and so much more.


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